+91 7499246207 & katgarapolytechnic@gmail.com
Welcome To Katgara Polytechnic

Mrs.Dr.Deepti Deshpande”
“Secretary & Treasure”
“Gokhale Education Society”

Katgara Polytechnic Institute, Bordi

Katgara Polytechnic Institute, Bordi’s established during the decade (2008-2018) leading towards the Centenary of Gokhale Education Society. The vision behind the establishment of this institute is to create creative and dedicated technocrats from the rural and tribal areas of Palghar, Dahanu, Jawhar and Gujarat State. Gokhale Education Society is a leading light in the field of higher education for last 105 years by offering education from KG to Ph.D. in various conventional, professional, medical and paramedical domains. The Society is fortunate to receive leadership of great visionaries like Prin. T. A. Kulkarni, Acharya Bhise, Chitre Guruji and in the recent yearsfrom international educationalists like Sir Dr. M. S. Gosavi and Prin. S. B. Pandit.

Katgara Polytechnic Institute has shown a remarkable progress in a short period by creating high quality standards. More importantly, it is empowering students from weaker and under-privileged sections of the society. Polytechnic education is going to be super important in the future. Our country is emerging among one of the top five economies in the world, so we’re going to need lots of skilled workers. It’s not just about regular education anymore, though. We need to learn about new things like AI, machine learning, robotics, and big data management. It’s also really important to get hands-on experience through internships and field work. That way, we can understand how industries and businesses are changing. To make sure we’re ready for all this, our teachers need to keep learning too. They should get training so they can offer us the latest knowledge. The Gokhale Education Society is all about helping us grow our skills and mindset. I’m confident that the Katgara Polytechnic Institute is ready for whatever comes our way, especially with the National Education Policy-2020. I’m really happy with the overall performance of this institute. I appreciate the efforts put in by the principal and all the teachers and staff. Good luck with everything in the future!