+91 7499246207 & katgarapolytechnic@gmail.com
Welcome To Katgara Polytechnic

Principal’s Message

 I/C Prin.Dr.G.U.Mali

My Dear Engineering Students,


I welcome you to this College-Your High-ranking College of  Engineering. The College of The Gokhale Education Society… the Society  which has more than 90 years’ standing in the field for Quality Education.  
The society which has emerged as a lead quality educational enterprise in  India.  So far, you have learnt some Science subjects like Physics, Chemistry,  and Mathematics etc. Now, this knowledge has to be develop further & has  to be applied to find the solutions to practical problems. Here you will learn  basic subjects of Engineering in the First Year. Applied Science, Engg. Math  & Graphics i.e. Engg. Drawing. Please understand that Mathematics &  Engineering Drawing is the language of the Engineers. No matter which  branch of Engineering you are going to master, the basic knowledge of Civil,  Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the base of all the  Engineering Branches.
This you will realize more and more, as you move  further in your career towards BE, ME / M.Tech. / Ph.D. etc. and become an  Engineer Achiever.  We call FE as First Gear of your “Engineering Knowledge- Car”.  
To move forward and accelerate further, the Progressive and Student-  Centered Management of the College has provided you the following:  
• Highly Learned, Qualified and Experienced Faculty.
 • Well-equipped Laboratories and Workshop.
 • Independent Library having more than 3010 books 751 Tittles &  6 Journal with Spacious Reading halls & Assembly hall.  Now what we want from you?  
Your 100% participation in studies & concentration to make you not only  Knowledge-Engineer but SUSANSKRIT & World Class Engineer Achiever.  
1 Attend College on time on all working days (with neat and clean Uniform,  Tie with shining  Shoes) with firm Determination to acquire knowledge & practical skills &  be a Life Long Learner.
2. 100% Attendance for All Co-Academic Programmers’, Practical’s,  Workshop/ Work, Term Tests/On  Line Tests etc.  
3. Utilize the Rich Central Library Resource to the optimum possible extent  for enriching your Personality right from DAY ONE.  
4. Be the most Obedient & Disciplined student to follow the traditions &  imbibe the culture of caring &  Excellence Gokhale Education Society stands for.  
5. Be courteous & respectful to one and all.  Come on join hands, start Walking the Path of Quality life & living till you  reach your Goal and fulfill the dream of our Founder, Prin. T. A. Kulkarni Sir  & our Mentor, Sir Dr. M. S. Gosavi  


                                        Best of luck for your Bright Future……  Thank You …..